
Faulty detection of leaving game


Twice when playing 10+ minute games on bad internet connections (travelling rural China atm) I've lost because of 'black left the game, white wins'. Neither of these games did I leave, close the window or do anything else than wait for the connection to come back up. Both times I most likely had enough time to finish the games left.

It is not a big issue, but it seems the detection algorithms for finding people who leave might be a tad too aggressive for those of us without access to steady connections.

Especially this loss (me at 1933 rating and opponent at 1215 seems rather unnecessary):
Unfortunately for you, cry-babies complained too often about people leaving instead of resigning, and the developers caved

How is China?
I've never experienced this kind of problem or ever heard anybody about it, I think you might just want to fix your connection :).
China's nice, but fixing the great firewall of china and all the corresponding problem with foreign sites is a bit of an ask :)
It says a lot about Australia's infrastructure that I get this problem too (I live within 30km of a capital city)
I've been having this problem a lot lately, it's quite aggravating but I'm not sure what can be done about it. I don't think there's a way to tell when somebody's internet dies as opposed to when somebody just closes their browser.

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