
My chess journey

This is a quick walkthrough thru my journey of learning chess, so i hope you enjoy :D

The beginning

I saw my dad playing on lichess. At the time, i was only five so im not shure why but i sat and watched what he was doing. I saw the board, and got confused, and i just left the room. Normaly i wanted to know everything, but that just seemed like those things dad would say are ''not for me''. My dad came out of the room, and my mum set the table. I sat down, and, even though i didnt really care and kinda just wanted to not eat the food since i was a very picky eater (i still am) i asked my dad what he was doing.

Starting to learn

My dad said it was chess, and of course i said''whats that''.He gave a simple awnser, a game. I said i wanna play it too, and he seemed very happy. He said sure, il teach you the basics tommorow.When i went to bed, i overheard my mum saying i might have been to young, and my dad said its best to start as early as possible, at about 5 is fine. My mum just said ok since she couldnt play chess. And the next day my dad kept his promise and started teaching me. I learned the basics pretty easily, by basics i mean how the pieces move. And i said ''i wanna play against you''. He said sure, and we started playing. i beated him one game, 2 games, 3 games and i was super happy. He was always like ''oh no!I blundered my queen, and i once asked him if hes letting em win, and he said no. That was a lie, obviously. And after some time, things got more exciting...

The beginning of actual education

My dad started taking me to school for lessons. I was only 5 or 6 so that was like a adventure for me. When i first entered the classroom, i saw a man, pretty tall and friendly looking. That was my coach. Now i wont explain every lesson, obviously, but that coach was actually pretty friendly. He was a part of a very awful club, but no one knew about it then, neither did he. The leader of the club was ome old man who makes classical tournaments start at like 8 and 7 rounds. Im talking 1h time! Like the hell. But in all, that learning there was just learning, like always, so il just fastforward to changing coaches. New coach, teaching at the school im going to right now, awesome! I started learning with him. It was great, and i was clearly more advanced than the rest. he did the me oppening in not the best was.By that i mean not that much moves or lines,but thats all he knew, and he tried his best, so thx former coach :D. Lessons were fun in all, but i was first in every one of those School Republic Events, and my dad figured i needed a good coach, and too actualy dedicate my time to chess.

Serious dedication

I got a coach, an IM, at about the age of... *calculating* umm 8 or 9 maby? And hes still coaching me, so this paragraph wont be very long. I also have one more coach, an fm. I thank the IM coach for teaching me and stuff, but if theres someone to thank, its the fm coach. Hes the reason the things my IM showed me, like boring startegical oppenings that are basically trying to get a draw, are getting replaced by active moves and attacking positions, tactics, and most importantly, creativity, one of the only reasons i ever liked chess.

The present

And now im a solid player, first in Serbia till the age of 12, and most importantly capable of easily beating my dad and former coaches. And, now im thinking that i dont appreciatte what i have enough, so the least i could do is thank my dad, for teaching me the basics, show me the amazing world of chess, making me work hard, even tho sometimes he gets a bit carried away, and believing in me. But if my mum didnt believe in me the most, in no matter what i was doing, than i dont know who did, so i have to thank her too.