NM Giraffe_Chess Lichess coach picture

NM Dave Mohan

National Master coaching, with a deep commitment to your improvement!

Location United States
Hourly rate$10 training games (15+0); $10 per line (i.e. King's Indian for White) for extensive opening prep; $5 per game for NM game analysis
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hello! My name is Dave Mohan and I'm a National Master from Arizona. Currently, I'm a Business student at the University of Notre Dame; however, my passion for chess is stronger than ever! I'm deeply committed to the improvement of each and every one of my students and will go the extra mile to help you reach your chess goals.

Playing experience

National Master Title
Four top-10 Nationals showings
1st place International Youth Championship
1st place Arizona State Championship (Individual)
1st place Arizona State Championship (Team)

Teaching experience

I have over five years of chess coaching experience. The majority of my experience is in working with beginner students, but I also have experience coaching two 1900 USCF rated students.

Other experiences

YouTuber and Twitch streamer. Go check me out!


Best skills

Opening Specialist
Chess Imbalances
Chess Psychology

Teaching methodology

Extensive preparation for lessons. Requirement that each student plays online training games between lessons. Available throughout the week for any additional questions, at no extra cost.

YouTube videos