
Chess Captcha: I love it!

I just wanted to throw out there that as a new-ish player, I absolutely love that the forum's captcha is a chess puzzle. It's great! A little reminder of what we're all here for, a nice way of integrating *some* amount of practice into the forum section of the site, and also just kinda fun as training. Do the puzzles get harder as your ELO increases? That'd be pretty funny. Either way, it's just a lovely piece of web design and I wanted to share some positivity.

(Side note, set it to mate in 2 and I'm utterly screwed. :D )
I think the captcha is always mate in one, so us newish players don't have to worry.
@Marshmerrow said in #2:
> I think the captcha is always mate in one, so us newish players don't have to worry.

Yes, the captchas are always mate in one. Way more fun than counting squares with out-of-focus traffic lights in them. For 90% of the captchas you just have to look see where the Q and B attack lines intersect, and that ́s the answer. I love the ones where you actually have to think a bit further, but they ́re rare.
@Wasted_Youth said in #3:

>I love the ones where you actually have to think a bit further, but they ́re rare.

Haha, I actually got one for this reply, mate in 1 (2 possible soliutions):

Checkmate patterns are like training wheels for beginners. Soon they'll be zooming past me with fancy tactics, leaving me wondering if I should switch to checkers!
@CadyRocks said in #1:
> "a lovely piece of web design"

Oh I agree oh very yes! Too little true humor on the internets.
Ooh, while we're at it, I absolutely _adore_ the "correct your mistakes" feature in the analysis board. Excellent tool, I will be using it regularly.

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