
if higher educated people know better and they run the world,why does the world suck so much?

@Mrchess78 said in #10:
> It's the fault of the masses for allowing and enabling these idiots. :).

they kind of get tricked,could you call that a fault?fox steals chickens,everyone blames who left the door open ,no one blames the fox
@Oportunist said in #11:
> they kind of get tricked,could you call that a fault?fox steals chickens,everyone blames who left the door open ,no one blames the fox

Well there's far more of us decent thinking people around than these psychopaths, so i still maintain that ultimately if we throw a rock, that's who's to blame.
I agree though that the masses are distracted, tricked over time, and these phsycos get away with all kinds of disgusting behaviour, but unfortuneately the masses keep voting for these exact same idiots time after time after time and never learn.
That's why the World is crazy right now, interesting how nearly every country is experiencing the exact same problems simultaneously, probably were being led to a banking collapse of some kind. :).
@Mrchess78 said in #10:
> It's the fault of the masses for allowing and enabling these idiots. :).
Well it's not as if when you're born you had a choice as to the pre-existing system you were born into - and uhh... whatcha going to do about it? As if the mass could function with a hive mind to change things that'd be great but it's not exactly how it works. And if the system makes it so that most people need to put 75% of all of their effort into working to survive - how are they going to use that last 25% if it's that to overthrow the entire system? Revolution only happens under intolerable circumstances. Circumstances can be terrible, but bearable - and not engender revolution - but small change. But true revolution? That takes some major crisis.
@salmon_rushdie said in #13:
> Well it's not as if when you're born you had a choice as to the pre-existing system you were born into - and uhh... whatcha going to do about it? As if the mass could function with a hive mind to change things that'd be great but it's not exactly how it works. And if the system makes it so that most people need to put 75% of all of their effort into working to survive - how are they going to use that last 25% if it's that to overthrow the entire system? Revolution only happens under intolerable circumstances. Circumstances can be terrible, but bearable - and not engender revolution - but small change. But true revolution? That takes some major crisis.

Is that a Freudian slip "revolution" ? Seems that you may have questioned it yourself there, I genuinely feel bad for everyone who has to "tolerate" anything.
As for major crisis, we are in a major crisis, it's just that we are unable to actually join all the dots to thwart it at its core.
I agree however that enough people do not have time (work, family etc) to really understand the situation the world is in right now, plus, some like to stay plugged into the Matrix machine and claim that ignorance is bliss (Untill it effects them directly anyway).
All systems work great, untill they no longer work for you, and one finds themselves stranded one way or another. :).
@Mrchess78 said in #14:
> Is that a Freudian slip "revolution" ? Seems that you may have questioned it yourself there, I genuinely feel bad for everyone who has to "tolerate" anything.
> As for major crisis, we are in a major crisis, it's just that we are unable to actually join all the dots to thwart it at its core.
> I agree however that enough people do not have time (work, family etc) to really understand the situation the world is in right now, plus, some like to stay plugged into the Matrix machine and claim that ignorance is bliss (Untill it effects them directly anyway).
> All systems work great, untill they no longer work for you, and one finds themselves stranded one way or another. :).
From a human perspective, we're only in a major crisis when a critical mass of people either is starving, unable to make ends meet, dying in war, being killed by their own govt. etc - balanced by the critical mass of comforted people willing to keep said system running ;)

So it's not a major crisis by the average recognition, even if it is one - as you say.

Not sure what you mean by revolution being a Freudian slip? I don't see how that applies to my usage but feel free to elaborate!
@salmon_rushdie said in #15:
> From a human perspective, we're only in a major crisis when a critical mass of people either is starving, unable to make ends meet, dying in war, being killed by their own govt. etc - balanced by the critical mass of comfort ;)
> So it's not a major crisis by the average recognition, even if it is as you say.
> Not sure what you mean by revolution being a Freudian slip? I don't see how that applies to my usage but feel free to elaborate!

All the things you list above are happening, and if not right now, then very soon.
The Freudian slip reference was in regard to when you mentioned 'revolution' suddenly in your first post, but incidentally, no offence was meant by it. :).
Highly educated does not always indicate above average intelligence. High intelligence does not always indicate higher education.
@Oportunist said in #1:
> it is the high educated people who back them up and uneducated who kill each other

Which is more important - producing more "lifeboats" for people, or having more people on Earth? Be fruitful & multiply, right??

Each Nation is like a "lifeboat" and can only take on so many people based on the development, technology, and engineering of its resources before the competition on board the same lifeboat for resources gets less than friendly, realistically as there's less to go around based on the abundance of people. (internal conflict)

Moreover, it can be to a Nation's advantage to gain resources with the abundance of people at the expense of other Nations even by the act of Declaring a winnable war, even trying to sink other Nations' lifeboats in the process. Also, in fearing other Nations, sometimes pre-emptive Wars can make sense, based on survival, if that nation sees war as inevitable and has an advantage currently over the other nations, militarily. (external conflict).

Good People generally want less conflict as they seek problem resoultion; but in being Fruitful towards lifeboats and multiplying more People onboard, that often creates a strain on resources based on the limitations of Earth, where either Internal or External conflict can be magnified via Crime or War, realistically based on the model for survival described here above. Can Internal and External conflict be solved? What would that peaceful solution look like, getting everyone onboard with it, in a correlative way based on the data?

A Nation that's doing well (if not prepared for War) experiencing sustainable growth economically for its population trends can be the victum of another Nation's envy with the numerous soldiers and advanced weaponry to take it. On the otherhand, A Nation that's not doing well, having more people than their lifeboat can hold at a reasonable wealth rate per captia, might be in crisis; can lead to Anarchy as people look to get what they feel their entitled too and aim to take at the expense of weathier people on the same lifeboat commiting crime, or the other option is without a casulatity rate in a winnable war - expanding their war machine, recruiting for their obedient and patriotic killers.

So, How do we encourage more Nations to do well; rather than be in crisis, with more winnable Internal and/or External conflict?
You know, there is this thing called trade.

Nobody can possibly believe that people living now have it better because all wars throughout history than we would have had if people had traded instead, or am I wrong?

To do well in the future mankind should start behaving intelligently. Sadly, I realize this is an way to optimistic wish.

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