
Rating comparison to other sites

How do you think ratings compare between and lichens? I have played about 100 games here and my Blitz rating is about 150 points higher here than on Thoughts?
My peak bullet rating on is 1814 or so, here I've done a bit better in terms of rating performance.
P.S.: I haven't played on in months, maybe I'm a better player now and could surpass that...
People ask this 24/7. My answer to all this is that you cannot compare rating between two different pools of players. Ratings are only relative and meant to be compared to the pool of players you are in. Chess dot com used the ELO rating system whereas lichess uses the Gliko-2 system. Glicko-2 is rating that predicts your strength in a pool of players by using a confidence interval. I can expand if anyone wants me to. Also, If I have said anything wrong please correct me :)
bbyd is mostly right: comparing ratings across different player pools can only be done if you have enough rating data from players who are in both rating pools. So maybe if someone has rating data of a few thousand players in both pools we can do some statistical analysis.
But those numbers don't tell us whether players on lichess are stronger than players on other sites.
they're both large samples of the general online chess population, so I expect their averages to be about the same. So a 1548 lichess rating would roughly equivalent to a 1302 rating. but idk
Yes, lichess' glicko rating tends to be a slightly higher number than the elo of many other sources.
The main problem is that the Glicko-2 average rating will ALWAYS be roughly 1500 in any given pool of players with enough active players. So using averages helps determine nothing, really. The lichess average ratings for all pools will always be almost always within +/- 100 points of 1500.
Yep, glicko average is pretty much 1500, and elo average is basically 1200.

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