
Your favorite hero

Jesus Christ is my hero xxx
Kind people who do not want to degrade
Puss in boots is my favorite fearless hero
Donald Trump!!!

You can quit sputtering, that's just a joke . Kinda recursive I know,a joke about a joke .
I always liked Achilles ,moody and spoiled though he was. ( I'm gonna sit in my tent and pout).
Enkidu in the Epic of Gilgamesh seems like an identifiable hero.

Of course, if you want the famous guy take Heracles. He did have an amazing journey with his tasks.

But who is a hero is truly depending on your perspective. That's why I like Michael Corleone.
@Dukedog said in #6:
> I always liked Achilles ,moody and spoiled though he was. ( I'm gonna sit in my tent and pout).
I prefer Hector, he didn't have those selfish moments of pride.

But overall I gotta go with Miyamoto Musashi.
"Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is.
And you must bend to its power or live a lie."
He lived the way he spoke, no nonsense, no hypocrisy. That's more than the rest of us have the will to do.
Yeah Hector was cool. Oh well Achilles got his in the end ( well the heel)

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