
I feel like I'm not progressing anymore, what to do ?

To add to everything that has been said, I would suggest reading Fischer's book about tactics. This has helped me to find motifs for tactics in the middle game.
To find plans in the middlegame, there are a lot of known principles, but basically the position is defined by the pawn structure and the piece activity.

You should read one book about strategy to have more understanding of what's going on in your games. I like those by Silman but there are plenty.

Just one tip: look at your pieces and see which ones are strong and which are bad. Try to improve the bad ones or exchange them.
On the contrary, if your opponent has a bad piece, prevent him from improving it.

And of course, tactics, tactics, tactics. Strategy without tactics is like playing football with no goalkeeper and goalscorer in your team.

Also, you will only improve by playing longer games.
When you are no longer in the book moves, you might as well say you're transposing into the middle game. You're starting to solve a puzzle on every move. Your pawn structure and development becomes clear. The aim of the weak squares become apparent. Tempo is calculated to get there before the opponent. The middle game ends when you see the horizon of an end game. That's where your mastered puzzle rated experience kicks in. Hope that your end game strength is better than your opponent's.
I have bought a book called "Pawn structure chess" by Andrew Soltis and I think it makes a good transition from opening to midle game.

That way you really understand the structure of the opening you play (from a broad perpective) and what this type of structure implies for you in the midlegame
Do you REALLY want to improve? How much books did you read? What is your study method? Are you the guy who wants to improve but turns the engine after the game because you're too lazy to look deeper by yourself?
I am not judging you! Look at yourself objectively. Do you think you are trying hard enough? If you think you are, I'll be happy to help you if you want.

What are you gonna do from antarctica ? Aren't you busy catching penguins ?
Before you help someone, You have to prove you are better.
You have not yet played 1 rated games.

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