
tell me if any one can help

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Sure,just tell em Dukedog said it's cool.
If that doesn't work I suggest a hunger strike

Steal their food until they change their minds.
Just dont give a heck about it, its your life. Not everyone is supposed to agree with your thoughts. Its all about perspective.

By this it also doesnt mean you shouldnt listen to them. Everything has a specific limit. said they "hate" it, right? Soo it shouldnt really bother you if they hate it and dont share similar interests and stuff.
<Comment deleted by user>
@JUSTCHIL said in #1:
> I like to do code and play cricket but my family hates both of them help me out

Everyone has different opinions. Just tell your family,"I like to do this a lot. You may not like it. Everyone has different opinions. One likes reading and another gaming. If I code or play cricket, does it harm you? So let me do my favorites and you do yours."
Try to explain them that you really like it. Make them understand that you want to do it and wont let them get a chance to complain. Look, you have an entire life ahead of you. You can choose to wait or to take action - but be warned: If it takes too much of time you will soon find your mirror painting an ugly picture while it is in your head all the same. So, pursue the things worth to you, regardless of them thoughts, regardless of them doubts. Also, coding seems to be all the more relevant, so at least having it as a hobby will be great. And cricket, well, if you like it then do it.

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