
W W 3

The U.S. has destabilised the middle east.

They demonise a political leader so that they have an excuse to attack his country and his people and cause 'regime change'

They cause the trouble, then pretend to solve it, masquerading as peace keepers.

They have caused death and intolerable suffering.

Now they are about to start 'world war 3'
I wish the US kept its nose out of the middle east, all of these problems we see now are a direct result of past intervention in the middle east. We attack the syrian government that (yes) may be corrupted to a degree, but the people living in syria overall do not object to their government since at least it is stable . The alternative is for the country to be overrun by extremist groups such as Isis which the syrian government is actively trying to run out of there country. These attacks on syria also directly provokes China and Russia, which is ironic since I thought the US was trying to work with these countries to eliminate ISIS and other extremist groups in the region. There is a need of stability in the region, the US attacks on the syrian government seems just to be a power play, and does not help anyone except the extremist groups in the region. Cheers
Since I haven't figured out yet how to quote each post, I will have to do it this way.

Houdini90 - Some people are idiots.

gimchess - You said - "the people in Syria overall do not object to their government since at least it is stable"
Those people must not be any of the millions who have already fled.
The "alternative" was for "legitimate" rebels to overthrow Assad, which they MIGHT have done had not the Russians gotten involved and helped that dictator stay in power.
"Legitimate "rebels?? What if such a group were to rise up in the U.S. Would they be tolerated. No, I think not. Remember Wako.

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