
why was this a bad move?

i thought my queen sac would win me the game... and it did... but the analysis says it was a terrible move.

20 Qc4?? Qxc4 21 Rf8+ Rd8 wins for black.
And even in the final position 21...Qxd3 22. Rf8+ Qd8 23. Rxd8+ Rxd8 is a rook ending with an extra pawn for black.
I think tpr's line is clear: 20 Qc4 is a blunder because Black queen can just simply take and then use the rook on the d file to defend against the White rook's check.

If White rook then takes either of Black's rooks, Black would simply recapture for an absolutely crushing advantage.
I remember that Tarrasch wrote in his famous book 100 years ago: „Eine Wendung, die man als Verteidiger und Angreifer kennen muss!“ Indeed, one should know this defensive manoeuver.

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