
Crazyhouse Tournaments

It's seems the number of regular crazyhouse arena tournaments has decreased significantly. It used to be the case that there was always a tournament going. Now there are gaps in the schedule. Am I right? If so, why was that change made?
Lol third time I answer this. Let me copy/paste.
There are less zh touneys because they added all variants (except koth for some reason) to tournament schedule, while before some variants had only the daily tournament, which for a big part of the world was during night.
Why are the tournaments mutually exclusive? They can add other variant tournaments without eliminating zh tournaments. Of the zh arenas, the 4+2 arenas were the best, but they don't seem to exist at all anymore.
I have noticed this too. I would to see more 1+0 ZH tourneys.

On the other hand, I can understand other variants tourneys also have to be accomodated.
@pkr5025 I think the tournaments are mutually exclusive to not overwhelm the users (there are lot of variants).

I think we from the ZH community should be creating arenas in those gaps with the time controls that we think are missing.
@grogers there are also people who fancy other variants than you do

ZH is not the one and only variant
I'm just confused as to why there is any explicit trade-offs at all? Put them all on a calendar and let users filter by variant via a drop-down form so they only see the tournaments they care about, if there's worry about being overwhelmed. Every variant should have an active tournament going without any gaps in the schedule.
@Flourish while I'm not aware of how this decision was made I assume more arenas at the same time means also more moderation effort load. As a ZH fan I'm also upset with this change, but I can understand there might have been good reasons to do it.

I like the idea of filters by variant. Maybe we should request the feature in

However, understanding that there's a chance we don't get a full schedule back, I still believe this is a good test for the ZH community and a good opportunity for us to be both more proactive and more flexible about what we want. Arenas created by any user are in essence the same as "official" scheduled arenas created by lichess, and we have the opportunity to fill in the gaps with time controls we want. If these arenas are organized from let's say the House discord or any of the crazyhouse lichess teams, I don't see a problem for the community to get to have a more enjoyable situation than even before the change.
This absolutely blows. I was so in love with crazyhouse on lichess. I guess I will take my playing elsewhere. So disappointed in this decision. =(

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