
Why is Lichess filled with so much rating manipulation and "pub stompers"?

I played someone that was toying with me. Beating me one game then allowing me to win by making obvious blunders the next game.

So I decided to follow them and their behavior.

This person threw games 15 in a row.

All of them involved throwing the queen away as soon as possible. Literally 15 games in a row. People tell me "just report them". I do, bookmark them and they are still sticking around.

Why does Lichess have so many players like this. Can anything be done? I face players that are clearly way, way higher level then players that seem to be asleep. It isn't fun and I don't feel like I get games at my appropriate level that is challenging where I actually learn something.
You must be new here! It's common knowledge that lichess doesn't care about that problem at all. People will be 1300 rated but play like 2k - nothing suspicious there, right? Everybody has good days, right? No seriously screw this site and screw all the mods and admins and whoever else is there (is there anyone tho? They never contact us).
@HumanCentipede66 said in #2:
> You must be new here! It's common knowledge that lichess doesn't care about that problem at all. People will be 1300 rated but play like 2k - nothing suspicious there, right? Everybody has good days, right? No seriously screw this site and screw all the mods and admins and whoever else is there (is there anyone tho? They never contact us).

Then close your account already instead of showing your obvious troll attitude.
@bergwizard said in #1:
> All of them involved throwing the queen away as soon as possible. Literally 15 games in a row. People tell me "just report them". I do, bookmark them and they are still sticking around.

Bookmarking and reporting is not the same. Bookmarking is the star item. Reporting is the warning sign /!\
<Comment deleted by user>
@StephenPS said in #4:
> Bookmarking and reporting is not the same. Bookmarking is the star item. Reporting is the warning sign /!\

@Cedur216 said in #6:
> @bergwizard it looks like you could be one of those guys where a mod will say "you never reported anyone"

I did both!
I, too, have experienced many obvious cheaters. Around 50%-70% of lichess players are cheaters (how to tell? When playing a game with 2 minutes or more, check your opponent's activity circle thingy. It is green if they are on the game page; otherwise, it is greyed out.) I have reported 75% or more of these obvious cheaters (I do not make assumptions), and LiChess takes NO ACTION WHATSOEVER. No email, no private message, no rating compensation, NOTHING. This is not me trolling LiChess, this is LiChess needing more online security. I have also seen many who have been falsely accused about cheating/abuse, but many who have not been caught and "are still at large." This tells me four things:

- LiChess needs more funding.
- LiChess needs better cheating/abuse/harassment/cuss-word/sandbagging stoppers.
- LiChess has been overwhelmed with accusations, cheating and not.
- LiChess is not being taken seriously enough, as is for profit and cheaters/abusers/sandbaggers/harassers/cussers know that LiChess sadly lacks either the expertise, funding, or staff required to deal with any of the issues.

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