
What are your favourite adventure books?

Captain Blood: His Odyssey
The Children of Captain Grant (Or something similar)
even mystrey of munroe island and other stories in the same book is good it is by satyajit ray
@Dukedog said in #2:
> I've read all of those.They're all good. Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote several along those lines including Tarzan and John Carter of Mars.

The John Carter series are all available as recorded books [mp3 files] free at librivox with people with good voices reading them. I've listened to them while sitting in airplanes and similar and, while not deep [a sort of male equivalent of romance novels], they are great diversions for situations like that.
If others haven't read them I can heartily recommend them as 'rollicking adventures'. Bill
@WassimBerbar said in #12:
> Already "The Hobbit" is a notable exception on the list in #1. And also the Mysterious Island:
> The animation "Robinson Crusoe" (in french), etc.
Making movies nowadays is far easier than before, right?
Just take any book written by any author and make movie out of it, as simple as that.
Earlier, producers were more original as they mostly used to write story by themselves.
But now every director and producer is just aiming to mint money all around. Greed has indeed taken over humans.

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