
LEAST favorite movie

"You see, I am pretty good at forming opinions on my own, based on my own knowledge and experience. Meanwhile, you can go back to getting all of your opinions from your favorite CliffsNotes.

Have a good day."

Uh-oh, looks like we've got us another HANDie on our hands! (one of those jerks who puts you down, then tries to make it all seem rather droll right at the end with a perfunctory "Have a nice day"). Not a dreadfully original approach, it would seem.

Far from thinking for yourself, you seem to be sucking up all the junk that academics spew at you. Just about every single one of those films you mentioned stunk up the joint, as far as I'm concerned.
Hmm. Verhoeven’s “Starship Troopers”was shockingly bad. So shockingly bad it was clear it was on purpose.
@MrPushwood why do you want to start a personal fight?

I posted a non-hostile general comment to everyone about a movie, with nothing directed at you or your person (#13). You responded by picking a fight with a personal attack--a condescending putdown of me and my ability to think, based on false assumptions you made (#14). I defended myself, quite correctly, showed you why you were factually wrong, and turned your own putdown back at you (#16). Instead of learning your lesson (your own medicine is not so pleasant when served back to you, now is it?), and then calling it even and letting it go, you decided to escalate and reply with more insults and false claims about me (#22). Do you really think this gets you any respect from anyone? It just makes you look like your ability to debate is far below your ability to play chess.

Why don't we play chess instead, and then you get a chance to feel smart based on something logically solid, instead of false assumptions, verbal insults, and ignorance? This is a chess site, after all. It is not supposed to be a troll site.

Lichess terms of service state, "Be nice and courteous to all other players, always."

So how about a nice game of chess, Professor Falken?
people were saying Citizen Kane was the best movie ever made ,So i watched it,actually tryed to watch it but couldnt stand more than 20 minutes of it,another very bad movie was Jaws 3,Rambo 2 was a big dissapointment also,
I only watch the movies I like, so all the movies I haven't watched are my least favourite.

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