
Search "user:TheFerrari"

20 forum posts
Game analysis - Could I have won this game?#1

Hello, just played a game against a 1812 rated person. I got a draw. However, during the game I thought I could win. Is it possible for me to win this game or have a deadly tactic? Please let me know.…

Game analysis - Why is move 16 a blunder according to the computer?#3

Thank you for your answer. Now I understand why it's a blunder.

Game analysis - Why is move 16 a blunder according to the computer?#1

Hello, I just played a game against a 1900 rated player. I lost. The computer says a blunder happened on move 16. Could someone explain to me why that's a blunder? I am the player with the black piece…

General Chess Discussion - Can BOTS join Casual Tournaments.#7

Hello everyone, Here is how I created the BOT. This question has been answered on this forum: Hope this helps, Thank you. TheFerrari

General Chess Discussion - Can BOTS join Casual Tournaments.#3

Hello, just tried if my BOT would join, it wouldn't join the tournament. Thank you.

General Chess Discussion - Can BOTS join Casual Tournaments.#1

Hello, I just created a BOT and I am curious if It will join a casual tournament. Please let me know. Thank you, the Ferrari.

Game analysis - Need advice on how this is winning for my opponent. I hung me rook for 35 moves straight!#1

Hello, just played a rated rapid game against 1855. We got a stalemate when I analyzed the game, it said black is winning by -55.7. Why is that please let me know. Thank you. TheFerrari Here is the ga…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Feature Request. Casual Tournaments.#1

Hello, Would it be possible to have casual tournaments organized by lichess. Please let me know Thank you TheFerrari

Game analysis - Stockfish says its +1.8 in this endgame, why is it.#1

Hello, I played a 2111 in rapid a week ago. I had this endgame, and for the last moves of the games I moved my queen back and forth. Still Stockfish says its winning for white. I don't see how. Please…

Game analysis - Need advice on this endgame#1

Hello, I had a game a week ago it was a 10+0 rapid casual. I had the white pieces. Here is the game: How would you hold this endgame, we just repeated moves and got a …
