
Search "user:spendius"

36 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Chess960 puzzles#3

Yep. Unless 0-0 or 0-0-0 is part of the solution a chess 960 puzzle is just a chess puzzle.

General Chess Discussion - What's your favorite 3 openings?#13

1. Bird variation against Spanish opening (it is no good, but I will not let you play your positional thing !) 2. Sicilian Nimzo 3. The mysterious Schallop defence vs the King’s gambit.

General Chess Discussion - A new logo for Lichess#135

Good work. It does not matter if it is ugly or not, it inspires respect ! very robust animal here.... Przewalsik’s horse ?

Off-Topic Discussion - Alternate history...what if ...?#108

All this has nothing to do with alternate history , unless The life of Brian is an alternate history movie.

General Chess Discussion - e4 VS d4#10

You are right Bill, thanks. I meant the King’s Indian defence. Sick system

General Chess Discussion - e4 VS d4#8

I started as a 1.d4 player and switched later to 1.e4. As far as I can remember, East Indian defence was a nightmare to play against. I got sick with not being able to understand how Black was destroy…

General Chess Discussion - Is chess the best thing in the world?#17

If it was , there would be billions of players online ... don’t you think ?

Lichess Feedback - Lichess doesn't work properly on IPAD with IOS 10.3.3 / Problem started today#5

Some issues too with my browsers ... IOS 12.4.2, iPad Air. Can’t access my profile and my message box.

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Country Flags#6

This could quickly drag us into another “ no politics on lichess “ storm 🙀

General Chess Discussion - Any black defense against all white openings (beginners question)#18

1. ... Nc6 . It is tricky but at least you get some surprise effect. 😉
