
Search "user:Programminglinguist"

18 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Request: Ability to embed a lichess study onto a website#1

Hi all So I know it's possible to embed lichess games or individual study chapters onto a site, but this request is for embedding the whole study.

Lichess Feedback - What happened to PNACL Stockfish in Chrome?#20

Yep this stockfish bug is with me too. I made a thread about it and I'll copy/paste my logs here too in case it's useful. Lichess is open source! lichess…

Lichess Feedback - BUG? Stockfish 9+ WASMX doesn't work on my machine... Engine Loading...#2

Let me also mention the logs I found under inspector > console Lichess is open source! lichess.analyse.min.js:1 watchdog armed: wasmx stockfish.j…

Lichess Feedback - BUG? Stockfish 9+ WASMX doesn't work on my machine... Engine Loading...#1

Hi all So I run linux mint 18.1 with Chrome Version 70.0.3538.67 (Official Build) (64-bit) Lichess was working fine until sometime this week or last where the analysis board stockfish stopped working.…

Lichess Feedback - Option to load more games when using opening explorer#2


Lichess Feedback - Option to load more games when using opening explorer#1

Hi all, So whenever I use the opening explorer, I see 4 games listed in 2 sections: 4 for top games, 4 for recent games. Can we get an option to load more games?

Lichess Feedback - Show Report Status?#2

guy was banned! Nice. Knew it.

Lichess Feedback - Show Report Status?#1

So I reported a couple of users a while ago for cheating and I haven't heard anything back yet. I'm not sure if the backlog of reports is long or if no action was taken. Usually it took about 12 hours…

Lichess Feedback - Automatically claim draw at 50 moves#4

Oh! Okay then I just didn't see it in the user settings like the 3-fold one so I wasn't sure. That works for me.

Lichess Feedback - Automatically claim draw at 50 moves#1

[nevermind!] Feature request: In the user preferences, just like with 3-fold repetition, I'd like a way to checkmark some setting that will automatically claim a 50-move-rule draw. This is super usefu…
