
Search "user:SlowZenPlayer"

32 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Are Online Chess Players Trapped Pigeons?#25

Q (as posted in the blog): So how do you avoid walking into the trap of getting caught up in gamification games? A: Set the option to "do not show rating points" (or whatever it is called). That is wh…

Lichess Feedback - Sound for checking the opponent?#2

Sorry, I seem to be deaf - sound is there :( Someone please close this thread, if possible...

Lichess Feedback - Sound for checking the opponent?#1

Hi, I think I am missing the sound when checking the king. I chose "Lisp" in sound menue and I can hear those "toc" sounds when a piece is moved. But as far as I remember there should be a specific so…

Off-Topic Discussion - The flairs#28

I am looking for something like zen, slow-thinking, buddha or else to reflect my slow tinking play-style, but can find nothing appropriate - any suggestions, please?

Lichess Feedback - Partly blindfold?#1

This game was partly blindfold from the start, some pieces were missing: Does this game have to count for my rating? (No regards to the tournament it was played in...)

Game analysis - How "weak" did white play? (I try to read this specific graph)#1

Hello to all I analysed my game and try to read the anaysis graph (me playing white). All in all the graph seems to show that white's position gets stronger during the game (which is fine for me, no d…

Lichess Feedback - Players time disappearing in puzzles#3

@ItsGam3Tyme thank you very much for this explanation!

Lichess Feedback - Players time disappearing in puzzles#1

I like to solve daily puzzles. And I am interested in the time played by the opponents. But sometimes playing time doesn't show, for example in todays puzzle: When…

Community Blog Discussions - The secret to lasting love for chess#2

Thank you for this great article! To be "emotionally bancrupt" is a very good picture - not only for good or even professional players, but als for me as a casual player. Because I was experiencing th…

Lichess Feedback - this game stopped? "Partie abgebrochen"#4

@glbert said in #3: > your opponent violated the tos. that is why the game was stopped and there are no rating points. Ah, thank you. I did not think of first checking this fact before posting in the …
