Speed: Bullet to Correspondence  Rating: 1000 to 2500

Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation, English AttackBETA


    Unless this move is properly prepared, black should not too quickly launch the queenside expansion because white is the one with the lead in development. If b5 is played too quickly, white can switch gears and blow open the center with a4! b4, Nd5 even if it costs a pawn or two.

The English attack, starting after Be3, f3, Qd2, and O-O-O, leads to slower positions than the more active Bg5 Najdorf. White first plans to castle queenside before launching g4, h4, g5, h5, etc for a ferocious kingside attack. Black on the other hand gets stronger control of the center with e5, and more liberated pieces.