Speed: Bullet to Correspondence  Rating: 1000 to 2500

Sicilian Defense: Sozin AttackBETA


    Bd7 is not the most common move, as the d7 square is typically reserved for the knight. However, in combination with a6 and Nc6, this move looks for piece trades, and ensures that white can never sacrifice on e6.

The Sozin (or Fischer-Sozin) attack is characterized by active piece play in the center rather than the kingside pawn storm typical in the Scheveningen. White looks for thematic Nd5, Nf5, Nxe6, and/or Bxe6 piece sacrifices in order to rip open lines towards black's king. Meanwhile, black has a solid pawn center with better endgames, and can look to hunt down the bishop pair after a6-b5, and Nbd7-Nc5.