
Prep - A Discussion

Yes, interesting topic. I like to prepare lines, which are not the absolute favourite main lines (but rather "second choice lines"), but still solid and good lines. That way the chance is high that the opponent doesn't know them as well (since he will preferably study the main moves) - but the risk is not extremely high, since the moves are still solid. I remember f.ex. a victory in the Kings Indian, where I prepared the rare Nge2 line ("Hungarian attack"), my opponent had difficulties finding the correct defense.
I am curious as to which games you think are worth preparing for to this level? Tournament games? Games with opponents you know in real life? Or any random opponent who wants to play you in the future?

99% of the games I play here are with random opponents I don't know. I just do quick pairings or I choose someone from the lobby. Games I care more about are the ones I play with friends over the board. When I learn the openings they like to play, I will occasionally research the best lines for their favorite moves. I usually struggle in the mid-game though, so I wouldn't know how to prepare for that... other than continue to do puzzles because there are too many variations at that point. I like to trade as much material as possible to get to the end game quickly where I feel a lot stronger.