
nice, i think the example was that magnus blundered his Queen, & i think the game is from bullet.
Because of this it was hard for me to guess the move.
but i think some little hint pointing out the type of right piece to move without mentioning the square is helpful.
Anyway way it's great i enjoyed it.
Nice! Any plans to make this open-source?
@MohammedElasha said in #2:
> nice, i think the example was that magnus blundered his Queen, & i think the game is from bullet.
> Because of this it was hard for me to guess the move.
> but i think some little hint pointing out the type of right piece to move without mentioning the square is helpful.
> Anyway way it's great i enjoyed it.
> Thanks

It was actually among the best moves in the position, so not really a blunder, but I agree that it's hard to guess! I have considered adding other hints like the correct piece or correct destination square, so that may be something I'll add. Thanks for the feedback!

@detnop said in #3:
> Nice! Any plans to make this open-source?

Yep, I'll open-source it within the next couple of days and add the Github link somewhere on the website.

@william_chen said in #4:
> pretty hard

In terms of ratio of players that solved it, this has definitely been the hardest puzzle so far!
wow, this seems super cool! thanks for this epic project :)

it's like chessle but more calculating-based
this is awesome! great job. it's pretty fun!
Great idea! I can't make moves on my mobile browser. No hints please. Maybe allow six guesses like wordle. Maybe start at midnight local time like wordle. My favourite wordle like puzzle is still symble.
@Assios can u pls add a mode where we can do many of these puzzles at once instead of waiting for a whole day to play the next one. Hope u will add this feature. BTW I really love this site so good job!