
Bobby vs Magnus: Who would win?

I personally think Magnus would win, but my friends are saying Bobby
Your friends are wrong. In any such match Bobby would forfeit on time, since he isn't alive anymore.
Easy, after a year of negotiation over the conditions Bobby won't show up. And by then Magnus will be bored and retired.
If the past champions had the tools that exist today, I'm not sure who would win. It probably would end in draws until they play with shorter time controls.

What would be fun to see is a simulation of an engine that learned only from one players database (Fischer's games) and another engine that would have learned only from Magnus Carlsen's database games. Then have those two engines play it off, in some sort of Chess style championship.
People were playing in different pools of players, had different tools at their disposal, had different social environments, etc. etc. etc. How do you compare them? Accuracy? What is accuracy? Would Morphy be considered a better player had he played the Berlin all the time?

All of these comparisons are silly. They are based on a bunch of what ifs.
What if this, what if that. If Capablanca was alive today, you don't even know if he would be interested in chess, maybe he would rather prefer to post cat memes on social media. You just don't know.
@bufferunderrun said in #8:
> If Capablanca was alive today, you don't even know if he would be interested in chess, maybe he would rather prefer to post cat memes on social media.

That's Cap!

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