
Who decided that I quit a game? And why?

Yezy 1 hour ago #5
I do not claim my opponents to move when opponent is about mated. He has 5 minutes of time and I will wait for his move these 5 minutes. And please do not limit me in time per every move.

So, is there any rule that prohibits me to spend all the 5 minutes for single move?

No specific rule, but the issue is covered under what is considered bad sportsmanship and it's consequences. You want to start a game, make 1 move then sit for 5 minutes till your time runs out? Go right ahead.
There is no rule preventing Lichess from informing all the other players of your conduct. They did you a favor of informing you, keep it up and you won't find anyone to accept your challenges. Who wants to play an asshole?
You were not banned, simply warned. Refusing to move 1 move from mate and 3:45 left on your clock is an entirely different matter than players playing on, making moves in losing positions.
No one knows for sure that opponent see a mate position.

I played a games where opponent could mate me in 1 or 2 or 3 moves, and finally I won that games because opponent overlooked a mate. Why should I resign that games?

Since there is no mate yet, there is no "losing" or "winning" position. It's a 5 minutes that I have by chess rules and please do not limit me in time. If you are in a hurry, play 0+1 game.

Or lets ban everyone who saw a forthcoming mate and didn't resign and running like crazy with a lonely king all across the board trying to waste oppponent's time. And which finally wasted all the opponents and his own 5 minutes.

Open lichess TV and you will see a lot of such games.
Let ban them all. Could you ban that reputable players whos rating 2200,2300 or higher? Or even can you report them as rule breakers and bad sportsmanship?

No, because you are all just hypocrites who can't say anithing against "reputable players" but you are heroes against ordinary player.

There is A MAJOR Flaw in your argument Yezy.

You were in Check.

You do know what check is?

There was 1 legal move. There were no other possible moves. You refused move.

Conclusion... Poor Sportsmanship in everybody's book.

Read Lichess' Terms of Use and fair play policy. Starting a chess game and then refusing to move, letting 4+ minutes run out till your get flagged in a 5 minute game, breaks several of those terms.
@Yezy the fact that you were officially reprimanded for your bad behaviour makes your entire argument invalid.
Apparently there is some sort of rule, and you violated it.... why else would the site have sent you that message?

"No one knows for sure that opponent see a mate position.

I played a games where opponent could mate me in 1 or 2 or 3 moves, and finally I won that games because opponent overlooked a mate. Why should I resign that games?

Since there is no mate yet, there is no "losing" or "winning" position."

Just my two cents: The scenario you give is not remotely close to the one that you were involved with. You could not have won. You should either resign the game or let the opponent mate you because they had a winning position. Saying there is no mate yet when you are in an unavoidable checkmate sequence only because you haven't moved is merely prolonging the inevitable and thus, bad sportsmanship. It's quite alright, everyone can get upset sometimes, no matter the frivolity of the subject. Just try to not let it affect your opponent or you might see more messages of that manner. I honestly think you already knew the answer but just didn't like it.
If you had only one legal move to make then there is nothing to think about, you either make the move or resign if you don't wish to. The fact you didn't make the only move available in the position nor resign but simply let your time run out can be reported by others to Lichess and Lichess can take action against your account for that behavior. If you have any further questions about this please contact the Lichess moderators.
I'd like to see what rule there is that prohibits this guy taking as long as he likes over his move.

If you don't like him spending 3:45 on his move, play shorter games or only against people you know.

It's not about his character. He might be the coolest guy ever or a total dick... surely the time on the clock is his.

This is ridiculous. Everyone is just jumping on the guy's so-called character instead of focusing on the rules.

IF the lichess rules prohibit him using his time as he sees fit, then where is that rule written?
Lol, I was playing a tournament. (over the board) (30+0) i was playing against someone 200 points above me. I got into a position with mate in 1. And my opponent stalled about 25 mins.... Just Bad sportsmanship, not breaking rules
@Toutatis someone already posted a link on page two that references Lichess moderators taking action against accounts who routinely run their clocks out instead of resigning or playing on. Lichess does have a policy concerning this. Its your time to use to PLAY- not waste your opponents time not playing. Again please contact the Lichess moderators if you have further questions concerning this policy.

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