
Move 17. Importance of not playing too quickly

This would make a good puzzle.

I wonder if any moves other than 17.g4 are regarded as winning. If they are then it doesn't qualify for the puzzles. But perhaps 17.g4 is actually the only winning move, because Black's intended ...Bb7 (as in the game) gives serious play.
@Brian-E said in #2:
> This would make a good puzzle.
> I wonder if any moves other than 17.g4 are regarded as winning. If they are then it doesn't qualify for the puzzles. But perhaps 17.g4 is actually the only winning move, because Black's intended ...Bb7 (as in the game) gives serious play.

i could feel the game slippin out of my fingers! i lost all sense of stability after i couldn't find the tactic, as knight on f4 makes the queen immobile; and i think 21. R*a6 lost the game,
and yes; all other moves create equality or -