
How to know that player cheated or not

actually nowadays many are organizing cash prize tournaments on lichess... and if a player is banned or something they are closing the account immediately and we are not knowing whether they closed the account for cheating or some other reason... it's regarding prize money so lichess please tell why he closed account it's very important for us to know... So that we can decide whether to give prize or not...
I did not understand the question, are referring to a particular member or are you asking what happens if a member wins a cash prize and then gets banned?
hello Aditya varun gampa players those closes there account or banned they should not eligible for prizes
@drunkenM4ST4 I think he means that for example, lets say someone cheated. It is in a prize tournament. They close their account before lichess can ban them. The organizers don't know if they actually cheated.

@bErSeRkExPeRt Perhaps you can put in the tournament description that if you close your account, you won't get any prize.
it's not only about prize... normally We want to know whether that player cheated or not...It would be great if a moderator tells me that the player closed account for cheating or any other reason... His lichess username is Bishal123... Moderator please message me personally it's a request
I mean before saw that remark: This player violated terms of service... before anyone saw this message only he closes account then how can we prove someone
You don't need to prove anything. Your rules should state that prizes are only paid as long as the account remains open. Clearly, if they are closing their account (without cheating), they don't care about the prize anyway.
@bErSeRkExPeRt maybe you can track down their email (idk how to do that but i think it's possible) and consult internet authorities to money fine them or something

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