
Let's win won games #8
The computer claims that it handed me the game with 3.Ke3 (-1.8 to -6.6) but since it played it against todo_pro too, I'm not sure. It looks better, and will probably hold black up for a while, but I don't know how much it really does for it in the long run. This was a good one, though, probably one of the hardest, though, there's not really a risk of losing, which makes it easier than the others in a way.
my respect @SilentLucidity

i resign this one... so freakin annoying. i only can manage a draw here. Your Knight moves in your try are amazing
#4, 5 Thanks, guys. For this one, I just worked backwards, all I needed was to get my knight to d6, and I'd win. 2... Ne4 would've probably led to the same position, and been considerably less flashy, but I figured Ne6 was safer, since I knew that after 4 Rh6+, I could, after Ke7, bring my knight to f5-d6. Once I have my knight on d6, the position should be a fairly easy win. The knight on d6 protects my weak b pawn, as well as potentially supports an e4 push, but jettisoning the b pawn by Nf5+ (with the king on e6) then running the central pawns (as happened in the game.) I also have the option to run my king to c5 in some variations to support the pawn. Honestly, this one wasn't that bad, just have to find a set-up you can win from, then figure out how to get there.
Thank u again for the position todo_pro, so far my fauvorite
because its understandable from the beginning but one has to use some caution in order to not lose the pawns,
also I think its a good position because it can happen in a game
no, its just an endgame, so other positions were fun too but
they were dinamic most of them middlegame and today
I wanted to practise an endgame because it has been a while
without doing it, playing against the engine is different because
it does not resign so all moves have to be with attention,
because things like stalemate can happen, like a queen knight
versus king.
the trick is to use the knight to defend the king and the files,
also its good to have two pawns in the same row, at move one I thought probably is a win with two pawns, but then I decided to keep the three pawns because a pawn is a pawn and if there
is no need to lose it, then why bother
so thank u dont know what else to say.
I guess sometimes its a matter of luck because the engine
sometimes plays harder lines
I just saw a game up there, he positioned the rook in the back
and that can be more annoying I guess.
When u play against the engine, u need to be cold blooded
and dont get carried away with optimism just have some patience
because the engine does not care whether its losing or winning,
it will play with the same strenght, so that forces the player
to be objective so I think its good part of training,
My belief is that the training has to be complete, for example
time scramble with bullet too etc, so that the player is solid and
has an equilibrium in different type of positions,
right now my biggest weakness relative to the others its opening
so its very easy to forget one aspect of the game even if one
gets better at others, there has to be some equilibrium in all phases of the game, whether it is time management tactical
ability or whatever, so the trick is try to find the holes in
the understanding and improve it, easier said than done
as always, because it takes not just effort but a lot of time
and experience, so the chess feels quite like a long term thing,
very gradual, at least for me, I improve very slowly.

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