
Crazyhouse - the light and the dark

I have such a rival of my level. The score with him was 0-15 with long-term control. But finally we played a bullet with him and he lost to me, turned out to be a pretty weak player and made stupid moves
Thanks for this discussion @Bxf7wins,
My two cents is that we should encourage all legitimate zh players to keep reporting players they suspect,
as lichess moderators review all reports.

Maybe another thing lichess can do is increase the analysis server engine depth for crazyhouse analysis. (it probably requires more resources from lichess servers)
Because for chess and other variants the default depth is probably fine but when it comes to crazyhouse, some of the engine server analysis suggestions are completely misleading. Unless analyzed to greater depth.

There are a lot of instances where some moves are flagged as mistakes and yet if you analyse deeper they turn out to be the best moves.

To lichess credit, a lot has also improved since 5+ years ago so thanks for that.
Guess there is always room for improvement.
@wanyonyi The suggestions are good. Perhaps, some method to spot unlike events such as:
A sequence with no errors with hardly any time
A match played with no errors (once you exclude the deliberate ones to get the error score up). The longer the series, the more suspect it is.
A player who cannot score even 1900 on puzzles but has a rating of 2500 in crazyhouse

I am not saying that these ideas are groundbreaking, but there has to be considerable effort to make this work. Right now, the cheats are ruining even the annual zh championship cycle.
puzzle rating and zh rating are two different things. Even chess rating and zh rating may not relate too much. You can be really strong in one and really weak the other, or not care at all about the other rating and drop really low.
@CrouchingTiger Agreed. I am not saying that I have a fail safe way to catch cheats, but suggesting from my limited understanding.

What do you think are good ways to spot cheats in zh particularly?
One time there was a new account., who played me in 1 0 zh and beat me 5 times in a row. Then he proceeded to beat Mayhar about 20 times in a row. So he achieved 3000 rating after about 30 games. I thought he was either a very strong dupe or a cheat. It turned out the latter was true because the next day his account got closed. The only thing we have in term of cheat detection is engine correlation and time used. If you played 10 of top 5 engine moves in one second. You are likely a cheat, unless the moves are all checks. And if you do that in 10 games in a row. Surely you are a cheat. Any way, I am not too worried, because if you cheat, you are just cheating yourself. And others will eventually know as well.
I agree but there are sophisticated cheats who don't cheat in a very obvious way... Play nominally and steadily increase ratings to 2400+ even and stick around there.

Ultimately, they will be condemned to playing against other cheats alone... Because the honest players will quit out of disgust
Consider for a moment -
You are given a position with mate in 3 from a practical game between two humans. How long will it take for you to find the solution?

You are given a position with minimal pieces from an award-winning study with mate in 3. How long now?

You are given a very strange position with bizarre piece placements with mate in 3. How long again?

What is the difference here and why does the level of "difficulty" change? Does an engine experience this same difficulty in solving these three problems like a human being?