
How to contribute "lichess.min.js"?

I want to make Lichess working in private browsing. I thought this can be done easily, but the script is obfuscated and I can't even find it at Lichess source. Is it possible to make a contribution or does anyone know how?
I general it would be through GitHub.. Look on main page for source code (small print links, not menu).

But min.js is the reason I stopped being interested in this team (well and chess to learn more too). To keep working from client side on things of interest I might have had, I would have needed to learn about source mapping usage to get back to the lichess base code. Some web tech. coding artists could deal with minified code.. Not I.

I think lichess devs. would have to maintain source mapping for the things that we would like to modify on the client side. You could use break points to reverse figure out what the alphabetic function names my be doing from the live DOM. Using the ubiquitous Dev tools clones in your preferred browser. I don't know js much.. but usually in some other era, one could induce a lot from knowing enough languages. But there are all those recursive syntaxes now. The vertical flow is not the execution flow. Etc.... It might not be even visibly logical or hierarchical. I think that goes with threading, and web tech has a bunch of things going on in "parallel". Beats me.. going back to my cave.

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