
Let's win won games last position

This is the last exercise of the series. I hope you guys have improved a bit. I myself have learned a lot. I'm always trying to improve and I'm gonna be happy to share any new idea and methods with you. Despite some inexplicable opposition, I think this has been a very useful thread. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I did.

Thanks to all participants and supporters.

Position 10:

8/1p5p/5p2/2p1k1p1/2B5/p2K1PPP/8/8 b - - 1 39

You are black

No need to get butthurt because I pointed out that you are spamming.

Just because mods allow it does not mean you should spam this "smart" topic by creating a new topic every time.

I do allow you to spam/create even more topics but I just pointed out to you how stupid that is.
thanks todo_pro, Ill try to do the rest later,
I had fun with the prior exercises, I think I did the first four
so it will take me sometime since I have no hurry.

that was really interesting and funny, too bad that it comes to an end.

Have a nice day.
thank you so much todo pro for your free exercises and your awsome idea. This is my Intention of playing chess: to solve Problems. Iam really not the greatest fan of competition chess where 1 Player fights the other. In my eyes your idea should be the future of chess.

best wishes

todo_pro this is a fantastic idea and you should not get offended by trolls who haven't even played a single game here. If it LOOKS like spam to someone its because many people ARE ACTIVELY ENGAGING and enjoying.

If you are really concerned you still have the option to start a team and using its forums. I'd be happy to join the team :)

I don't think you should stop, and this shouldn't be the last exercise. Keep posting!

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