
the move that you will never find

This is not an unsound sacrifice. An unsound sacrifice is a sacrifice, that has an idea and if the opponent finds the correct moves the outcome will be favorable for them.
Your sacrifice did not have any idea, was not the slightest imaginative in my opinion and the opponent would have a winning position after almost everything. Hence this is not an unsound sacrifice.
The thing is that it worked. I mean you won the game after all, so if it keeps working just keep doing it.
sorry #13 but you were supposed to let blackwin after his excellent imaginative unsound queen sacrifice 22 Qd7 CHECK !
Dude, that knight move was reckless. Trust in Allah, but tie up your camel.
i wanted to try something crazy ok ? something bad because i dont feel good winning boring games , ok?
im a bad player , i will make big mistakes against you and you will resign after that

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