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23 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Clock still ticking while waiting for opponent to make a move #4

Yeah, it is a connection issue. I've had it a number of times before unfortunately. Thibault and team have just updated the site to process moves faster though, so hopefully that helps.

Lichess Feedback - Performance improvement#5

My crappy Australian internet thanks you—feels better already!

Off-Topic Discussion - How to approach a girl. #2

Make sure your endgame technique is solid—gets the girls going! Seriously though, don't stress... there are increasingly more women in so called 'anti-girl' fields including computer science (which is…

Lichess Feedback - strange disconnexion in middle of the game#2

I have a feeling it is just bad internet... I've gotten that a lot recently too, very frustrating. Like my ping right now is ~2000 :(

Off-Topic Discussion - Drunk games tonight#2

Ha, I kinda did that last night too. Also was drunk, and got my friend (probs rated 1200 tops) to play my first 5-10 moves and have me finish it off. Good fun :P

General Chess Discussion - I built a fast-paced tactics trainer. What do you think?#58

@flamehead Thanks for your continued work, I will have to try and burn through some more puzzles tonight :) Feature idea: have a prompt to redo levels after certain time intervals (to really ensure lo…

General Chess Discussion - Tactics taining#10

Yeah, I agree—a more nuanced puzzle scoring system would be nice. Also, I've been thinking about an idea (which would mainly be useful for lower-rated players)—give a higher score when there is almost…

Game analysis - New opening.#6


General Chess Discussion - I built a fast-paced tactics trainer. What do you think?#37

But I would agree that this type of exercise is probably more beneficial for the most people :)
