
Search "user:AaronNZ"

86 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Cheers themed sports bar#14

I once went to a National OTB tournament and during prizegiving, we got chocolate chess pieces which tasted delicious =]

Off-Topic Discussion - now hiring developers#47

@ALucasM you got us again!

Lichess Feedback - Lichess glitches#3

@srinikamathur said in #1: > I'm finding this STRANGE. Me and @sriyamathur have accs on the same type of computer. I was chatting on MY account, and then it somehow shifted to my sister @sriyamathur's…

Lichess Feedback - Verified accounts#2

It is a special badge given to high-profile members. Just like the verification tick on Twitter, YouTube and other sites. "This badge is only given by us when we feel we need to differentiate it from …

Off-Topic Discussion - Any ideas how to run a LICHESS BOT online 24/7? not heroku#2

Hi @AyaanshGaur12 I am assuming you aren't a bot developer and that you just want a bot account for the title. Please remember, if you are not a bot developer you have no reason to create a bot. For m…

Off-Topic Discussion - Lets make BAVESH792011 shave his hair!!!#17

@BAVESH792011 it's your own fault for starting such a stupid topic. Remember; once it's on the internet, you can't get it off. Ever.

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Mods#2

Hello @injinbusta123 You will only receive a message if the user you reported has been banned. If the user has not been banned you won't receive a message.

Lichess Feedback - Why soooooooo many spammers??#2

Good night!

Off-Topic Discussion - I will shave my head!#10

@BAVESH792011 said in #1: > If this forum reaches 50 replies I will shave my head. I will post it in instagram and in youtube. I will mention the id when I reach 50. All you need to reply is '#ShaveBA…

Off-Topic Discussion - I bet my account!!!!#2

I'm tilted, does that count?
