
Lichess Broadcast Updates

Names of players and the option to switch boards still isn't accessible with screen readers,at least on my mobile, will check on my laptop later. As a visually challenged user, I have wanted this to change for a very long time. Hope you do something about it soon
Thank you for the great work! I was wondering if we will get broadcasts added to the Lichess Mobile app? It'd be great to follow along with tournaments when a PC is out of reach
@loepare said in #10:
> Hey, danke für Deinen Vorschlag! Tatsächlich wurden Sprach-spezifische Chats bereits diskutiert, allerdings haben wir uns vorerst dagegen entschieden, weil diese auch einige Nachteile mit sich bringen (mehr Moderationsarbeit, Fragen wie in welchen Sprachen bietet man Chats an (und hat man Moderatoren für diese Sprachen), wesentlich weniger Engagement der User pro Chat, weil alle ja auf die verschiedenen Chats verteilt wären, weniger Austausch zwischen verschieden-sprachigen Leuten usw.). Es freut uns aber zu hören, dass ihr euch auf Lichess gut eingefunden habt!

Die Argumente leuchten uns natürlich ein. Leider haben wir in unserem Team einige Mitglieder die halt nicht so gut Englisch können, daher war halt der Wunsch da.
Vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung und nochmal ein großes Lob an das Team von lichess, die hier tolle Arbeit leisten!
@Ferralium said in #12:
> Thank you for the great work! I was wondering if we will get broadcasts added to the Lichess Mobile app? It'd be great to follow along with tournaments when a PC is out of reach

We actually just uploaded a short about this :)
First off, a huge thank you to the Lichess team for these wonderful updates. I used to primarily follow tournaments on Chess24, and thus mourned their demise, and am so very grateful to see Lichess filling that hole in my heart! The new broadcast pages certainly provide some much-needed features that make it easy to see what's going on in a tournament.

If this is still an active area of development, here are some dream additional features that would, in my case at least, make broadcasts even better:

1. The "Games" tab features the small boards showing the live positions (and now the evaluations as well!) of the games, which is great, but at the cost of only showing nine games at a time. In larger tournaments, this could mean a bit of scrolling back and forth to check on games one is interested in. Thus, it would be lovely if we could:
a) mark certain games as 'favourites', and filter to only show those boards
b) get a list of all boards on a single page, with just the players' names and game evaluations, as in the "Teams" page for team tournaments

2. Since the round and game URLs seem to use random strings of letters, they can only be shared once the round is live in the broadcast. From the point of view of a streamer who is doing commentary on the event, it would be very helpful to have predictable URLs that can be set up in advance, e.g.[event-id]/[round #]/[board #] (like chess24 used to have).

But again, I just want to emphasise that these would be the cherry on top of what is already a fantastic feature - thank you again from a delighted user!
Another suggestion: important messages from broadcasters/"study annotators" should be separate from chat. Some people, myself included, have less than zero interest in ever reading a comment from a pseudonymous Lichess user during an ongoing broadcast: it's almost always going to be pointless kibitzing or disgusting/bullying/****-phobic behavior,

I hope I'm not asking too much. I recognize that you can't do much about others' behavior (and I fully predict that your response will be a variant of "stop being so sensitive lol"), but surely you can make e.g. Kid Mode show broadcaster messages.

tl;dr: Let me watch broadcasts and see important messages without seeing

* "why woman play???"
* "title but low rating????"
* "such a joke, pointless"
* "****The information in the PGNs has been updated, apologies****"
* "Qc5, and obviously hikaru wins" (he's not even playing)
* "X best country"
* "no one even cares aoubt these players"
Thank you so much for the new design, Lichess
Littl "off". - How can to change the language on my lichess? I prefer english. It's not english. I will english lichess. Thanks.
sorry, this is a little "off", but give me the right sollution. Je vous en prie. Merci beaucoup.
@IpolyPeter2 said in #18:
> Littl "off". - How can to change the language on my lichess? I prefer english. It's not english. I will english lichess. Thanks.

Click on your nickname found in the site's topbar and you can change the language