
Is no resigning and dont accept rematch a disrespect?

My last game against alextchao: on my side, 6 pawns, Queen, another obvious Queen from one of those 6 pawns... On alextchao side? His king, alone, squeezed on one line and 2 squares...

He moved till I checkmate...!?!
Oh god, so what. So what you had to move to checkmate the guy. Get over it, people, this is a totally spurious topic; if your opponent forces you to actually win rather than resigning, just DO IT... if you can. Transmission ends.
In some way, I even find it unsatisfying, when a game ends by a resign. It is like watching a thriller, you watch, how the evil guys plan the complete destruction of the good guys, you watch, how the good guys spot the evil plans, make counterplans, prepare the final hit against the bads ...
... and then the bad guys resign??? No bang at the end?
Who wants to see such a lame movie?
who want to spend 30 minutes watching/playing game where the average granny knows it is lost? In blitz resigning is not really needed but in real chess where you use about 3 minutes/move things are quite different

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