
Let's talk about flagging opponents

Really odd opening. You agree playing on a time limit then it one things you need to consider is the time. no matter what time limit and how long time limit. Flagging the opponent is just as good way of winnig as delivering mate. If you lose on time in one move from mate that is brilliant play by the opponent. That is exactly what he/she should be doing if situation allows/calls for it. Dont like that: play with increments.
@DhairyaxBTS says:
"But in an OTB tournament, flagging would obviously not be ethical in a blitz game."

You are talking about OTB-blitz. It used to be worse, much worse.
Before FIDE introduced incremental time controls for classical games, we played 2 hours for 40 moves followed by 1 hour for the rest of the game.
Can you imagine yourself being flagged there?! :<
Do you have a choice rather than to flag your opponent when you are playing an important individual or the last remaining game in a team fight when your team is 3-4 down? Wouldnt you do anything possible to equalize the match?

I think flagging is a part of the game in any non-incremental time control.
The key to avoid being flagged is a good time-management - you got a winning position but used more time, if your opponents would take more time on their moves, maybe they would avoid being in losing position.
In the end, you can only blame yourself. And, if you hate being flagged so much, consider playing with increments.

Last but not least: cursing at them in the chat is the worst thing you can do after the loss.
No, others cant see your private game chats, but moderators do in case you get reported - this why I guess you got the warning sent from lichess.
( - scroll down to #3-communication)
Please consider: if you are cursing at them, you are more or less letting them win the game twice.
They took your points and they can be sure that they managed to manipulate your emotions - they made you mad!
Some people feel superiour after being insulted - it boosts their confidence to know that they broke someones ego.
Dont let them enjoy the win more than they should.
I am not getting angry at losing in fast time controls (anymore) but there were times I was close to punching the screen but I always typed a "gg" into the chat instead.
Happy chessing and all best. :-)
@DhairyaxBTS " But in an OTB tournament, flagging would obviously not be ethical in a blitz game."

Since when? I have flagged opponent ans I've been flagged. If you get a better position by using too much time, tough, and you lose as you should.
My highest pleasure is to finally checkmate an opponent who's tried to flag me, heeheehee.
You must be Gata K.

Either you play with a clock and all consequences or you don’t. There is nothing to discuss. Ethics? C‘mon, it‘s (e) sports!

I solely play increment. Case closed (for me).
I agree with #1. I am prepared for all the hate. And I live by it. I often resign even when having the opportunity to flag, because I don't want to win that way. Nobody can change my opinion about this. Blitz for me, is just a way getting faster responses. The clock itself isn't part of the game for me.
@DhairyaxBTS I think flagging is always acceptable. Everyone knows the time available. Time managemant is a crucial skill in chess and if you play short time controls, flagging becomes more important. Besides playing longer time controls, learn how to close out games.
Play. With. Increment.

It is in your hands - and you don’t have to summon the ethics commission!

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