
lichess is infested with cheaters, at this point it's just unplayable

@Cedur216 said in #11:
> @gradienthinking you posted the same garbage two weeks ago already. Please man up or leave
> @C-Bear you are the liar and the troll, the mods have no reason to lie.

If you don't know what you are talking about than it is better to stay out of it Cedur. I can easily show that the mods aren't open in these discussions to the mods and I will prove it to the admins if asked to by them.
@C-Bear go through your browsing history and show screenshots of your record of sending reports.

I've seen the exact same instigation in months over and over and there's zero truth to it. It's just toxic egos, all the time.
The reason for why I nowadays only play unrated is because of all the cheating ongoing in rated games in my experience.
Many will obviously argue here that «the truth is that cheating here is very rare.....» I think that neiter they, nor I, know the truth. They have no proof for their statement that cheating is rare (many can cheat smart and undetectable), nor have I ,like many other forumposters her, proof for a statement that in our opinion there is very many cheaters here (Maybe 10-30% above 1600).
What I have is a gut feeling that there are very many that cheat in online chess in smart ways. But that is only my feeling. Maybe I am wrong.
But I respect that people have different takes on this and that the emotions is hard and big regard to this topic.

Peace and love to all. Have fun
@heallan said in #10:
> Point of order: RD1 was played by his opponent.
Is this a joke I'm misunderstanding? He's playing black. He played Rd1. exists and you have no evidence of cheaters.

Also @C-Bear you do realize moderators have their own lives and jobs as well, right? All the moderators that Lichess has are voluntary.
They cannot check the forums 24/7 and already have to deal with cheating reports, appeals, and other issues.
@InkyDarkBird said in #16:
> exists.
> Also @C-Bear you do realize moderators have their own lives and jobs as well, right? All the moderators that Lichess has are voluntary.
> They cannot check the forums 24/7 and already have to deal with cheating reports, appeals, and other issues.
How would this pertain to a mod not telling the truth about my appeals? If a mod says i only did one report the last 6 months when I know for a fact that that isn't true; why shouldn't I call this out.?And I also fail to see how the lack of time would allow a mod to claim this flagrant lie about a user.
@C-Bear said in #17:
> How would this pertain to a mod not telling the truth about my appeals? If a mod says i only did one report the last 6 months when I know for a fact that that isn't true; why shouldn't I call this out. And I also fail to see how the lack of time would allow a mod to claim this flagrant lie about a user.
You certainly make an interesting argument.
Either you are lying or a mod has become corrupt or the mod does not have access to the same resources that other mods do.
@KurokosEchec said in #15:
> Is this a joke I'm misunderstanding? He's playing black. He played Rd1.

Oh, I see the confusion.

Gradientthinking plays RD1(from the position of rd8), and then white plays RD1.

Both moves can be referred to as RD1.

So yes, he is playing black and, yes - he plays RD1.

However, his opponent plays white and, yes, he plays RD1.

Therefore, no - this is not a joke that you are misunderstanding.

Also, RD1 may or may not have been a viable choice of move in the circumstance of gradientthinking.
@InkyDarkBird said in #18:
> You certainly make an interesting argument.
> Either you are lying or a mod has become corrupt or the mod does not have access to the same resources that other mods do.
Yep, basically my point. Other mods can see who the mod is that lied and can also see how often and when I reported users. So I just say this and watch what the responses are. But the fact that a mod does this is also telling of how this indiviual mod sees how it should control the narrative rather than actually tackle the problem of cheating. I hope this behavior isn't endemic to the whole of the lichess moderation team.

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