
Most Overrated Films in IMDB Top 250?

I'm guessing Ordinary People is in there, could never bear more than 20 minutes.
my mistake

just realized I have a gripe, so I'll put in my same frame, than creating a new one.

Amadeus (84), anything below 20 is absurd in my opinion.
i couldnt quite get how Seven Samurai was so highly rated, the story was decent but not enough to carry 3.5 hours with a lot of action scenes which probably was top notch 70 years ago but look somewhat awkward nowadays.
i really liked the other movie Rashomon from the same director so, an interesting display of how and why people lie unconsciously.
@vio7 Definitely agree on Seven Samurai. Couldn't bear more than an hour of it and think the remake (The Magnificent Seven) is much the better film
wow, I watched almost the first 50, but The Good , The Bad and the Ugly was better than 12 angry men, (from my perspective)
The Matrix is ofc over-rated but, I love it !
Hm in that List i would say Fight Club is the most overrated, but I didn't look at all the top250, but it being almost in the top 10 i can't imagine any film being more overrated :) Of course it's kind of fun to watch, but that's about it. (But tbf it's been almost 10 years since i watched it last)
Asterisks indicate films which should not land on the list at all.

Dark Knight (4)-- Nolan's best movie is Memento, which, at 55 on the list, sounds about right. He's a terrific director, but Dark Knight's ranking at number 4 is laughable.
While I'm on the subject of the Dark Knight being overrated, let's all take a moment to realize that Heath Ledger didn't deserve that Oscar.

Fight Club (11)-- A good movie, but top 15 of all time? No way.

*Terminator 2 (37)-- I straight-up did not enjoy this movie. Dumb plotline, bad acting, led to Terminator 3. And its artistic merits, or lack thereof, are not enough to warrant a spot on the top 1000 movies of all time, much less top 50.

*Avengers: Infinity War (64)-- Duh.

*Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse (69)-- Full disclosure, I haven't seen it. But I assume the above rationale would also apply here.

*Avengers: Endgame (76)-- Overindulgent piece of corporate synergy fueled, special effects driven garbage that marks the conclusion of a series of "popcorn flicks" that had lost their lustre long ago. The fact that it ranks one spot ahead of American Beauty, which may be the greatest film of all time, is kind of insulting.

Citizen Kane (96): Good movie, but chronically overrated to the point where people who haven't watched it believe it to be the pinnacle of cinematic history.

*V for Vendetta (157): Wachowski brothers ripped themselves off after making the Matrix.

*Mad Max: Fury Road (207)-- never understood the appeal. Fast-mo action sequences look more comedic than awesome.

***Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 (212)-- This one gets 2 bonus asterisks: 1 for being obviously driven by corporate demands (There's a reason that the Godfather wasn't released in installments such as Godfather: Part II, subsection 1: Godfather and the Mafioso from Vegas), 1 for sucky source material (please don't kill me, Harry Potter nerds. I'm only calling it sucky in comparison to great works of cinema. It's perfectly acceptable as young adult literature).

*Rocky (231): Not as overrated as I expected it to be, but it's literally a bad version of Raging Bull.

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