
Peoples opinions on Trump, Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton, etc.

I'd certainly vote for Trump because the world should have ended in 2012, y'know? (Well, it's kind of easy to me to say since I'm not an American nor live there, hence I'm safe). =P
#47 and 48 (mikeshepard)

Yeah, this is unfortunately a corrupt State, but what do you think about Bernie Sanders?

Well I certainly hope you Americans choose Trump for dictator so my home country (North Korea) can gain more power.
LOL! The only North Korean that has access to Internet is Kim Jong-un. P.S.: he uses Internet Explorer. =P
Let's see...Hillary is invited to Wall Street to take bribes...the senate hates Cruz...and the establishment backing Cruz hates Trump; then, Bernie is invited to see the Pope. Hmmm, tough choice
Ya know, we're all mannered monkeys, Ted Cruz and Hillary clinton aren't even mannered, so that leaves trump, who is semi-mannered. Hence, Trump > The Others.

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