
Lichess coaches

NM phanpy Lichess coach picture

NM Igor Mourão

If you are a beginner and/or young chess player and want to understand the game throughout a dynamic and didactic way, send me a message.

LocationGoiania Brazil
RatingFIDE: 217826022411
Hourly rateU$12
NM CNeto Lichess coach picture

NM José Luís Cominato Neto

"Your only limitation is the one you set up in your own mind!" - Napoleon Hill

Location Brazil
LanguagesPortuguês, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 22602703
Hourly rateNegotiable for lessons and training games.
NM vfsr Lichess coach picture

NM Vitor Firmo de Souza Rocha

“Nobody ever won a chess game by resigning.” – Savielly Tartakower.

LocationNatal/RN Brazil
LanguagesPortuguês, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 220623432386
Hourly rate$12 USD (US dollar) per hour, 60 R$ (Brazilian real) por hora.
IM MIack Lichess coach picture

IM Máximo Iack

'Avoid the crowd. Do your own thinking independently. Be the chess player, not the chess piece.' — Ralph Charell

LocationNatal/RN Brazil
LanguagesPortuguês, Español
RatingFIDE: 23391866
NM bernardoviciadin Lichess coach picture

NM Manuel Sobrinho

Desista de desistir. Faço aula experimental.

Location Brazil
LanguagesPortuguês (BR)
RatingFIDE: 2014230424102433
Hourly rateConsultar inbox, Faço desconto para iniciantes
NM JRenatoMaranhao Lichess coach picture

NM José Renato Ruiz Maranhão

“Chess is everything: art, science and sport” (Anatoly Karpov)

Location Brazil
LanguagesPortuguês, Español, Italiano, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 192323012066
Hourly rate$15
FM viniciustine Lichess coach picture

FM Vinícius Tiné Martins

Helping students on growing their chess skills and knowledge. Please get in touch and let's work together!

LocationRecife Brazil
LanguagesEnglish (US), Português
RatingFIDE: 22532245
Hourly ratePlease ask inbox!
IM Limp2020 Lichess coach picture

IM Eduardo Limp

Aulas práticas de finais

LocationRio de Janeiro Brazil
RatingFIDE: 23662345
Hourly rateSetenta e cinco reais por hora/aula.
IM Satsanga Lichess coach picture

IM Christian Toth

Improve your game through chess principles, basic study and self knowledge.

LocationRio de Janeiro Brazil
LanguagesPortuguês, English (US), Español
RatingFIDE: 235423612295
Hourly rateIf you are a cool person we make a deal ;-)
IM DeepRabbit Lichess coach picture

IM Luís Henrique Coelho

Guaranteed improvement through a personalized training program performed by an extremely dedicated coach!

LocationGoiânia, Goiás Brazil
LanguagesEspañol, Português
RatingFIDE: 2401280625222418
Hourly rate32 USD, which includes homework material & continuous support in-between lessons