
How to disable chat?

@Shiroyasha47 said in #9:@Shiroyasha47 said in #1:
> That's the thing I am not asking for a judgement of my maturity level.

Original post.

> I said something to a opponent and they felt it to be offensive so i think I was reported. After i received the following message "Accusing other players of using computer assistance or otherwise cheating is not acceptable on lichess. If you are confident that the player is cheating use report. Please note that repeated violation of this policy will result in loss of communication privileges." Many people annoy me too through chat but I never usually report. The last sentence suggests that there is a way to disable chat. Please suggest a way to disable chat or should I keep annoying players until I lose my communication privileges? Please do not suggest zen mode.

Lets put emphasis on this part "Please suggest a way to disable chat or should I keep annoying players until I lose my communication privileges? Please do not suggest zen mode."

To begin with. If you want to ask to disable chat, you open a tread and post something like this.

>"Guys, can you please tell me how to disable chat? Thanks.

We dont need the backstory. But you are asking us 2 things there instead of just the one. You are saying either help me shut down the chat, or to enable your bad behavior.

The thing is that you lack imagination, and there is often a false dilemma issue. There are usually more choices that you are not considering, one of the things that you have to consider is to grow a pair and ignore the chat. So, sorry if my option is not among the 2 you considered. You can ignore me. But what I suggested is indeed an option, and its actually the better one. Take it or leave it. After all, I already have my pair. Why do I care?
@AsDaGo said in #10:
> uncheck
Yes. I agreed with your answer already. Someone else was telling things other than what the question was. You answered the question perfectly. Thanks.
@Shiroyasha47 said in #12:
> Yes. I agreed with your answer already. Someone else was telling things other than what the question was. You answered the question perfectly. Thanks.

Oh, I misread your message. I thought you were saying that @InkyDarkBird, @Alientcp, and I misunderstood your message, but you were only saying @Alientcp did.

Anyway, happy to help.
@Alientcp said in #11:
That backstory was because I wanted to confirm whether the other way of annoying players until lichess removes communication privileges is a way to disable chat or was there any other way. Your answer should have been "No, you can't annoy players to disable chat but I also do not know any other way to disable chat." Someone could have answered "XYZ is a way to disable chat.". Or "I do not know of a way but annoying players till the communication privileges are removed seems to be the only way." These are some possible answers one could expect.
@Shiroyasha47 said in #14:
> That backstory was because I wanted to confirm whether the other way of annoying players until lichess removes communication privileges is a way to disable chat

They may even ban you. So yes, thats a way they disable your chat. Dont know why you need to ask when they are confirming they will.

> Your answer should have been "No, you can't annoy players to disable chat but I also do not know any other way to disable chat."

False dilemma. I dont answer false dilemmas with the 2 provided answers. Deal with it.
@Alientcp said in #15:
> why
I wanted to ask because it just might happen what you exactly said, they might ban me. I wanted to confirm that if they will just remove my communication privileges and not ban me (if someone might have had their communication privileges revoked this way they would know and thought will answer).
@Shiroyasha47 said in #16:
> I wanted to confirm that if they will just remove my communication privileges and not ban me
you never asked if they would ban you. You just asked if that disable comms. Both disable comms.

So, in your false dilemma, enabling your bad behavior could actually result in a perma ban.
If you dont want to get banned, and I enabled your bad behavior, you could have been banned.
So the answer that I gave, which you disliked so much, actually avoids the ban. Its a better option than your bad behavior.

Now, I hope you see the wisdom I shared to you. Its not only gonna prevent getting your account banned. Its gonna help you in life. And maybe avoid some one punching you in the face in the process. Grow up.
@Alientcp said in #17:
> you never asked if they would ban you. You just asked if that disable comms. Both disable comms.
> So, in your false dilemma, enabling your bad behavior could actually result in a perma ban.
> If you dont want to get banned, and I enabled your bad behavior, you could have been banned.
> So the answer that I gave, which you disliked so much, actually avoids the ban. Its a better option than your bad behavior.
> Now, I hope you see the wisdom I shared to you. Its not only gonna prevent getting your account banned. Its gonna help you in life. And maybe avoid some one punching you in the face in the process. Grow up.

Why would someone punch me in the face? Isn't it criminal offence to hit someone, unless in self defense?
@Shiroyasha47 said in #18:
> Why would someone punch me in the face?
If you continue with your bad behavior, you will eventually learn.

>Isn't it criminal offence to hit someone, unless in self defense?
It is, but sometimes people dont care about going to jail to make a point.

BTW, you didnt adressed the part where my advice was actually good.
@Alientcp said in #19:
> If you continue with your bad behavior, you will eventually learn.
> It is, but sometimes people dont care about going to jail to make a point.
> BTW, you didnt adressed the part where my advice was actually good.

I missed the part where that's my problem.

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