
Bad internet connection

Hello. I have satellite internet and it is very unstable and has a long response time. That's why many of my chess games end before they even begin. For this reason, I am blocked again, this time for 11 hours. What can I do to avoid similar problems in the future? Would it be enough to buy a repeater? Thank you in advance for your help!
@sumrakaleksej said in #5:
> The game doesn't have time to start. I get a message that the game has been canceled by the server.
I've seen boosters or amplifiers advertised, but haven't used one. I've had numerous satellite services, starlink was the best but expensive.
@HerkyHawkeye said in #9:
> I've seen boosters or amplifiers advertised, but haven't used one. I've had numerous satellite services, starlink was the best but expensive.
OK, thank you. But I am not ready to buy another set of equipment from another provider.