
So Covid was a lab leak after all.

Everyone knew it was a lab leak in China but of course it was racism to say so... or so the wrist wringers said.
The title sounds a bit too definitive for what it is.

>James Wood, co-chair of the Cambridge Infectious Diseases Interdisciplinary Research Centre and Alborada professor of equine and farm animal medicine at the University of Cambridge, also highlighted this discrepancy with existing data.
> "This work uses essentially unvalidated methods and the paper contains a number of really basic errors"
> (...)
> "This appears to me to be highly misleading, poor-quality research with no proper basis for the conclusions reached."

>"It's barely research, more subjective handy-wavy opinions than actual science," David Robertson, virology professor at the University of Glasgow and head of the Glasgow Center for Virus Research Division of Bioinformatics, told Newsweek.
> "It mostly ignores the existing evidence. The approach is based on entirely arbitrary and subjective assignment of scores to 11 criteria so adds nothing to our understanding of the origins of SARS-CoV-2. A different set of people would come up with totally different results."
@thenceforth said in #3:
> The title sounds a bit too definitive for what it is.

Are you asking us to read an article before commenting?? Everyone knows that Article Titles are not click baits so never misleading us.

End of sarcasm.
@bfchessguy said in #4:
> Are you asking us to read an article before commenting?? Everyone knows that Article Titles are not click baits so never misleading us.
Never read an article! Ever. There is a proven way to determine the content of an article: if it's about the wrongdoings of Russia, China, Iran, Iraq, or a "stan" country (aren't they all the same anyway), then it's automatically true.

On the other hand if it's allegation of wrongdoing by the US, Israel, or a NATO country, then it's automatically false.
> End of sarcasm.
A lab leak, huh? I'm gonna say I was sure about that since the beginning, as a virus that can have multiple variants and be spread this worldwidely can only be something mutated from a normal winter virus.
@thenceforth said in #5:
> Never read an article! Ever. There is a proven way to determine the content of an article: if it's about the wrongdoings of Russia, China, Iran, Iraq, or a "stan" country (aren't they all the same anyway), then it's automatically true.
> On the other hand if it's allegation of wrongdoing by the US, Israel, or a NATO country, then it's automatically false.
depends if you're one of those 'team' players and which you're on, cause it's easily the opposite lol

I may not like China's govt but that doesn't mean I wont apply logic to any accusations
@salmon_rushdie said in #7:
> I may not like China's govt but that doesn't mean I wont apply logic to any accusations
Exactly good sir. And what does logic tell you in this specific situation?
@thenceforth said in #8:
> Exactly good sir. And what does logic tell you in this specific situation?
I don't think it's logical to have a strong belief in this matter because there is a lack of information, lack of transparency, and far too many vested political and commercial stakes at interest
@salmon_rushdie said in #9:
> I don't think it's logical to have a strong belief in this matter because there is a lack of information, lack of transparency, and far too many vested political and commercial stakes at interest
Exactly good sir. Isn't it the spirit of my previous messages?

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