
Lesson 20 Rook and pawn against Rook

9 • IM elpepinillo14 •
  1. the short side of the rook!
  2. The long side of the rook...
  3. The long side , the exception
  4. interactive lesson 1 the exception
  1. IM elpepinillo14
  2. prime2800

Lesson 1 , Elite Class , How to Exchange pieces.

8 • IM elpepinillo14 •
  1. How to know if this is a good exchange?
  2. Example Number 2 , Should I exchange rooks?
  3. Exchanging pieces for a concrete reason
  1. IM elpepinillo14
  2. lilicarepilica1
  3. prime2800

Lesson 5 Endings : 2 pawns against one .. Manoeuvring the king

7 • IM elpepinillo14 •
  1. Maneouvring the king
  2. Interactive lesson 2 Maneouvring the king
  3. Advancing the king First!
  4. Learning how to defend
  1. IM elpepinillo14
  2. prime2800


6 • IM elpepinillo14 •
  1. LUCENA theory
  2. Interactive Lucena
  3. The farther pawn Introduction
  4. The farther pawn Interactive lesson
  1. IM elpepinillo14
  2. matheusfarialopes
  3. DaniGomes
  4. prime2800

Lesson 2 basic rook endgames

6 • IM elpepinillo14 •
  1. Phillidor central pawn , rook defence on the third rank
  2. Interactive lesson Phillidor third rank
  3. Phillidor Knight pawn , passive or active defence explanation
  4. Interactive lesson Phillidor Knight pawn , passive or active defence explanation
  1. IM elpepinillo14
  2. prime2800

sunday 8 am Lesson 6 IQP Isolated queen pawn

6 • IM elpepinillo14 •
  1. Petrosian - Balashov
  2. Spassky - Antonomov
  3. Botvinnik - Vidmar
  1. IM elpepinillo14
  2. prime2800

More rook endings! lesson 14 sun 9 am

5 • IM elpepinillo14 •
  1. Wasting time?
  2. Cutting the king off
  3. the trickster pawn
  4. Interactive lesson .. wasting time
  1. IM elpepinillo14
  2. prime2800

Sunday 8 am lesson 20 strategy Minority attack and weaknesses on c file

5 • IM elpepinillo14 •
  1. creating weaknesses / pawn islands
  2. double pawns
  3. minority attack ( creating weaknesses)
  1. IM elpepinillo14
  2. prime2800

Sicilian Kan Variation

5 • IM elpepinillo14 •
  1. Theory variation Bd3 (main line)
  2. Kritz L - Kveinys A
  3. Fenollar Jorda M - Paunovic D
  4. Polgar Istvan (HUN) - Portisch Lajos (HUN)
  1. Dsharma0227
  2. Nomith
  3. pkcl
  4. Juliano_Camargo

Lesson 4 King and Pawn Endings

4 • IM elpepinillo14 •
  1. Square rule
  2. Interactive lesson Square Rule
  3. 2 pawns against one
  4. interactive 2 pawns against one
  1. IM elpepinillo14

Lesson 7 Pawns and king endings

4 • IM elpepinillo14 •
  1. 2 pawns against 2
  2. creating a farther pawn Interactive lesson
  3. example 2
  4. example 3
  1. IM elpepinillo14
  2. prime2800

Sunday 9 am Lesson 13 : Rook and pawns

4 • IM elpepinillo14 •
  1. rook against pawn
  2. example 2
  3. king circling around the pawn
  1. IM elpepinillo14
  2. prime2800

Sunday 8 am lesson 12 prophylactic thinking

4 • IM elpepinillo14 •
  1. Never relax untill checkmate
  2. don't trade your active pieces for his passive pieces
  3. if you can , try to eliminate all your opponent's active pieces
  4. prophylactic thinking Petrosian!!
  1. IM elpepinillo14
  2. prime2800

Lesson 8 : The greek gift / Sacrifice

4 • IM elpepinillo14 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Main ideas
  3. The Best defense
  4. Is the sacrifice good or bad?
  1. IM elpepinillo14
  2. prime2800

Torneio Alunos 2020 N 1 / Tournament Students 2020 N 1

4 • IM elpepinillo14 •
  1. Jens Gabriel - Caetano
  2. Caetano - Liara
  3. stoneplayer - avelar1
  4. avelar1 - stoneplayer
  1. BobbyFischerPrice
  2. Anest-vet
  3. stoneplayer
  4. leochess2

Lesson 24 sun 9 am more rook endings

3 • IM elpepinillo14 •
  1. Long side with the rook
  2. Chapter 2
  3. pawn on 6 rank
  4. Lucena Ending Lucenas Bridge
  1. IM elpepinillo14