
Do you get frustrated when you lose?

Yeah, someone was telling grow up. Like, be on my feet, lose games due to your ping being over 1200 and getting stuck and going downhill on the rating when you could have gone much higher if you had a good mouse and good internet connection that doesn't disconnect every now and then. And, most importantly, these people are not even qualified enough to criticize you. Like I am fine with my bad connection or whatever, but I certainly don't need toxic hate from some people here.
I only started this forum to see how others feel when they lose.... Not to tell me how I should react when I lose.
Depend the game but losing isnt a great feeling for sure can make me mad and affaect my mood of the day definitly
In the times of www it is not a problem to lose. You can start the next game right on. You will forget the other game very soon.
This helps :)
In blitz it starts to be fun only after I drop that first piece. Then win or lose, I've enjoyed the game.
I see many people do not really understand this social network....

Do you play chess for fun or practice for real tournaments , some useless rating under false username, hanging with people enyoj in then same field you do, to attack or insult people, "ego trip" or what?

Wining game you learn nothing. When you lost game you analyze it and lean on your mistakes!

I'm seeing here people have played 40k+ games, but have in average 50% or less winning games. That means 50% of higer than that lost games. What they learn here? I believe nothing much, on the irst place such many games! I simply missing the point what goals they have here...
I don't get upset with losing if it was a good game. What sometimes frustrates me is when I play a bad move (ie. one that I should've known better than to play) that causes the game to be lost, but my frustration is more with the move than the outcome. I actually get very excited when I think I'm right about something and my opponent comes up with a line that makes my idea wrong; it shows that there's always more to learn.
Well what really frustrates me is when I am up a whole rook and I blunder a mate in one. I stare at the screen for a moment and then yell the next second. That is what I mean by frustrated. I don't get frustrated losing a normal game.
I strongly disagree that losing games helps you improve, winning games helps you improve if you win games you know what worked so you can apply that next time you play losing games you learn nothing all you learn is that you messed up in the game I know many chess players who keep on losing many games and keep making the same mistakes despite them looking at games they have lost the fact is this if you want to succeed in let say a profession you read a book on how to succeed to become successful you do not read a book on how to fail to become successful.

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