
Do you get frustrated when you lose?

Depends on how you loose a game if you can improve your play. If you blunder the queen then you learn nothing. You knew before that blundering the queen for nothing is no good idea.
If you played a rather good game and loose in spite of Absence of Mayor Errors - then you can learn something.

From Winning a game you don't learn that much. You can gain confidence in your Play, that's a bit of improvement too. But only if you don't get too much confidence…
yeah bottom line is information gain. some games are not informative others are. some of the games that are informative will be loses and some of them wins. also in speed chess there is a kind of realtime feedback of whether a particular move was good or bad and you're learning from that all the time.
@Chessy64 if looking at games you lose to learn from your mistakes is useless because people keep making the same mistakes, then why would reading a book on how to succeed or looking at games you won be any different? People would also forget.

I would ask 10 grandmasters and 10 chess coaches how to improve and follow their advice. I believe those people will say analyse your games, especially the ones you lost.
@Sarg0n "Getting old helps a lot."

I disagree. There some older people who are really bad loser. I was unfortunate to meet them over the board.
After losing they threw the pieces all over the place, insulted me and then left the room slamming the door.
Wisdom comes only with age if you learn from your mistakes and that's not always the case.

@h2b2 Yeah, analysing your games is crucial. GM Niclas Huschenbeth interviewed Nigel Short during the Bangkok Open and Nigel Short said that his biggest mistake during his younger years which held him back was that he played an insane amount of tournaments, but he didn't sit down and analysed his games.
John Nunn was the one who advised him to sit down and analyze his games in order to improve. He said that playing a lot of games is very good, but you have to analyze them afterwards to get the most out of them. Even in the games you won there could have been an improvement.
Playing a lot and not analyzing his games, was as Nigel Short stated in the interview his biggest mistake.

Here is the interview I was talking about:
@h2b2 most chess coaches are lazy not all but most as they just do the same repetitive teaching over and over regardless of who their student is and it is a joke when a player stops playing chess to become a coach considering how easy it is to coach chess. Teaching is a very easy job you are just repeating the same information over and over again i am 1900 Fide strength and i could easily make most students 1900 strength FiDE in 6 months from scratch as long as they do EXACTLY as i say it would take little to no effort to do so coaches like to do the traditional way of teaching cause it is easy and some coaches who are good coaches have an different approach of not just showing 100s of puzzles to students and ask them to solve them. you learn more from winning games than losing games you do not learn how to win from a losing game but you do learn how to win from winning a game and it depends on the Grandmasters you ask and the coaches you ask what they will say.
I don't get frustrated from losing. I have lost 2671 times with my current account and probably twice as many times with my old. Chess wouldn't be very enjoyable if losses effected me that much negatively.

My point is: if a person in not professional player what for playing games? To get frustrated and upset? Then what is the game for?

As in any sport, if you want to be top in your willage/town/region/country/continent/world, you have to work very hard for that. And if you are satisfied to be a mediocrity, what is the point?

But in both cases always there are people better than you and you need to study lost games in order to get better and beat him next time. On the contrary, if you are world the best , you know that there is always very strong opponents wich pretend to move you away from thron, thus you have to practice and correct your weakneses - no body is perfect!

Yeah, I got frustrated every time I lose. That's why a forum like this helps us to understand the importance of studying other games and your own games. Also, a forum like helps us to keep calm and just play the game. Thank you!

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