
Search "user:TheTirelessQuoter"

11 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Please increase number of games you can analyze per day.#8

@chessfan124 They were also probably offended by the silliness of the question... if one can run the fishnet server, they can certainly run plain old stockfish on the same machine, which means unlimit…

General Chess Discussion - why does no one play classical chess ?#7

As already suggested, use the lobby and not the automatic challenges in the home page... not only you'll have far more choice of time controls, but you'll find an opponent pretty quickly.

General Chess Discussion - Welcome Lichess Boards#24

Thanks for this. There are a few legitimate and interesting products (i.e. the Certabo boards, among others) that can really benefits by this, especially lifting the restriction on BOT accounts only

General Chess Discussion - Lichess v2 is coming#101

"For that reason, we are dropping support for all versions of Internet Explorer, and for old versions of Edge, Safari and Opera" Well, that triggered a long needed update to my little custom UI, but i…

Lichess Feedback - berserking is sandbagging#19

@vayomer_elohim "the only thing berserking does is make you play 200 points weaker than you really are" No, the only thing it does is giving you less time on the clock, which (if one wants to intentio…

Lichess Feedback - Can lichess do a better job when someone abandones a game.#12

@shadow303 the issue has been discussed since the age of time fot that matter, not just in this forum, but it's just part of internet chess. I think the system already in place here is rather reasonab…

General Chess Discussion - Chessbase database editor#8

Well, click 'File->Activation->Update program": can't get any easier than that And in case you are suggesting some exotic licence issue, it doesn't make any difference...

General Chess Discussion - Chessbase database editor#6

The procedure posted by @SelfmateMan is the correct one... however keep in mind that, if you are using Chessbase 13, there's been an update, at some point, that broke the hyperlink function It is fixe…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request please.#21

@GirlofChess Well, I looked at the video and i really don't get the issue: all i see is an opponent that, in a lost position, is not moving up until the last seconds, and shortly even try a draw offer…

General Chess Discussion - 1 Dollar Donation amount#3

> What does a donation do, just keep you eligible to use lichess? No, just supporting the site, no strings attached
